About Me

I enjoyed a 21 year career with the U.S. Navy as an Electronics Technician. Some of my most memorable experiences were traveling to foreign ports and residing outside of the country. As a technician I enjoyed fixing things. Prior to my military service I had a number of odd jobs such as auto mechanic, day laborer and electrician. My interest in electronics and a desire to travel led me to the U.S. Navy. After my career with the Navy I became a landlord and developed a passion for DIY projects. My first investment was a 22-unit apartment building. Having done many of the remodeling projects in the building I decided it was better to pay someone else to manage and maintain it. Now I spend a majority of my time on my other passion - computer programming. I'm a life long learner and enjoy learning about new technology.

Old School Programming

AN/UYK-20 front panel

AN/UYK-20. My first programming experience was entering machine code 16 bits at a time.