Screenshot of is a fullstack project using Django 1.10, Python 3.4 and SQLite3. Artwork created using Adobe Illustrator. The site uses a daily tasker to web scrape current lottery information and saves it to the database. The Django-chartit plugin is used to render Highcharts. Python libraries Collections and Statistics were used for most of the calculations.

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A mashup using Google Maps, Seattle Open Data, Canvas.js charts and Broadcastify police scanner to visualize 'live' 911 incidents. The 911 data feed is delayed one hour by the provider. The scanner is real time. Info boxes pop-up with more details about the 911 incident.

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San Francisco Open Data Restaurant Inspection results. Uses JSON static data source and Google maps API. Also make use of the DataTables plugin for jQuery. Does not work in IE

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Search, stream and download audio from YouTube. Employs web workers to create audio streams. Utilizes HTML supplied audio controls. Chrome's audio control provides the most functionality with stream, download, and volume control. Not tested in all versions. Functionality may vary on different browsers and devices.

Using jQuery and Javascript, this weather display accesses remote API's to gather location and weather information.

RESTful app accessing the Twitter API and the Internet Chuck Norris Database API to serve up random jokes that can be easily tweeted.

Experimenting with Web Audio API.

A challenge to build a working calculator.

A Wikipedia search engine utilizing angular.js for display results, jQuery autocomplete for page suggestions and Wikipedia API for data source. Includes 'Feeling Lucky' button for random page.

A guessing game written in Javascript. Inspired by a project completed in an introductory programming class. Originally created in Python.

Pomodoro clock written in Javascript.